Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Do You Like My Watch?

When I was moving to Connecticut in 2007, I started to notice things were missing around my place.

My little printer (that I was not using at the moment) was missing.
My Burberry Hat was missing.
My leopard hat was missing
and my watch box was empty.

I discovered this the very day I was moving.......

I had been robbed.

Not sure when it happened but we had so many problems with our front door. During the summer the humidity would cause the door to stick. My keys would get stuck or the door would just open with a slight touch or a a windy night.

I had no idea who did it but I can say the neighborhood I had lived in for seven years had changed. It was no longer safe. The original owners started moving out in droves and replaced with renters. People who had no respect for others property, loud noises or throwing away their trash.

Someone killed themselves right in front of my kitchen window. Nice to come to a body bag on your porch.

The play ground was covered in graffiti. Large groups of men would hang out in the park during the day.

The police were on our street every single day because of domestic violence.......

When a murderer was caught on our street, that was it. We were moving.

I am not sure why, three years later this is bothering me. I guess when I look at the empty watch box it reminds how hard I had worked to afford the watch. It was first time in my life I was making decent money so the watch was a symbol of the hard work.

Sometimes I see the watch on Ebay but cannot buy it because I can't afford it now.

Violated. I feel violated.

Can anyone relate to these feelings?

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