Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Little Help From A Friend - Sleep Issues

I am no stranger to sleeping problems.  I am still not where I want to be but things have improved because of the combination of approaches I have taken.  I want to share with works for me.

Pillow Spray: Most of are lavender based. Lavender is known to help you relax. 

Guided Meditation:  Many CDs to choice from.  They really work, trust me on this.  A soothing voice guiding you to sleep is very relaxing.

Get rid of electronic or cover the lights.  I removed my laptop from my room because the blue light kept me awake.  I also dimmed my clock's readout.  

If you do not live in a quiet place, putting some white noise can help drown out the sounds of life going around you.  I have used a fan for this purpose.

Air cleaner  If you have problems with sinuses getting an air cleaner will certainly help you breath better allowing for a better sleep experience.

When Gato was with me, she kept waking me up at all hours leaving it impossible for me to go back to sleep.  The solution?  Putting her in her own room.  I hated to do it but it was really necessary.

I have mentioned Calms Forte before.  They are not a sleeping pill but a sleep aid.  They really work for me. 

Of course there are the methods we all know about: exercise, occasional glass of wine and good sex.

I would be interested in hearing what has worked for you.

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1 comment:

  1. Hey girl thanks so much.
    What seems to be helping me a lot is me trying to get into bed by or before 11 pm (10 pm preferrably).
    Valerian - for now in the capsules but the tea is supposed to help as well and the liquid extract is good but I go thru it too quickly.
    I keep my calms forte by my side at bed and chomp on some ;-) or try to suck on them ha..while in bed.
    I also shut down on on my internet time at least one hour BEFORE bedtime.
    Then I try to read in bed if I can't sleep.
    I also have tried some yoga - not a lot - nothing intense but 15 minutes yesterday and 15 minutes this morning.
    And in the at yoga I did some self empowerment - talking to myself and telling myself that I love myself and my body and that I would like to be here (present) and healthy till the rest of my life (and I add I'd like that life to be at least 40 more years!!!).
    Someone recommended Bikram yoga ...I guess I could try that too.
    Oh I also take GABA - supposed to help with overthinking.
    And I take 600 mg of Magnesium - which helps relax the muscles.
    There's more to work on but this is what has helped so far.
    And I am currently 1 week without sleeping pills!!
