Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Daily Confession - What I Have Been Up To Edition

I feel I have been gone forever but the truth really is that I am just busy making changes in my life.  You can sit around and what for life to happen to you or you can take some sort of action to get the ball rolling.  Even if you do not succeed at first and least you can say you tried.

I can't wait to get back to my photography   Soon enough I will be back at it, learning how to use a new camera/lens/photoshop.

A few weeks ago I opened a bank account.  No big deal right?  Wrong.  I decided to live a  cash-only existence for over a year. Honestly I loved it.  I wasn't receiving a steady pay check and my bank was too far away.  It worked for me.

However its time I rejoined the world.  So  I opened an account downtown.  Everything was fine until I had a problem with my ATM card.  This is a story I will tell you at another time.

I got my hair cut into shaggy layers.  It is a haircut I wanted for the longest time.  Now to work on getting the perfect color.

I am now a member of the Ladies Gym.  So far I am loving it.  Its close to my house, the equipment is not hard to use, plus, free personal training.  I have not experienced too much pain.

Enjoyed a Saturday night with "Old Spice".  He brought over his guitar and played his own songs.  Then I challenged him to play some cover songs for me.  After that we watched a DVD of him playing in the 1980s!  

Before he got here, he asked me if I wanted anything to eat.  I said no but really I was hungy.  Earlier in the day I ate a big lunch/breakfast and felt eating more would be pushing it.

Big mistake because after a few sips of my beloved Markers Mark mixed with Diet Dr. Pepper.  I became rather tipsy.  The next day I did not feel so hot.  

My sinuses and allergies are going crazy.  The past few days I have been either in pain or feeling like zombie.  Currently, I am in a zombie mood.

That is my update.  More when I am feeling better.

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