Monday, May 3, 2010

Happiness, Now Theres A Concept

I am happy. Still a bit nervous but happy. The past eight months I have worked hard to make positive changes in my life and now it is starting to pay off.

This morning I was trying on clothes that were too tight to wear but after a month at the gym I am proud to say they fit! Its nice to see definition come back to my arms and legs.

My monthly crimson tide did not come with the PMS I am usually fighting. I didn't snap at anyone or cry my eyes out.  I feel this that working out is definitely helping with this.

I feel calm and balanced. Not yet 100% but getting there.

My magazine finally arrived! It finally feels real to me now that I can hold it and show it off. I have to thank Marcelo from Digital Photographer EU for giving me the opportunity to be featured in the magazine. It was a surprise that came out of no where. Pure vanity. I always hoped my nature pictures would be picked to be published so when I asked to submit my own self-portraits, I was shocked!

In the next two weeks I should be getting my camera. I am so excited! I miss taking pictures.

My photography/websites are going to go through some big changes. I have a lot to do to reach the goals I have set forth. Working hard for something, is really satisfying and feels so good.

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